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Hey you asked for straight criticism on discord so I'm gonna list things that I would improve. 

One easy thing would be to define the playing area better. Right now the collision is somewhere in the middle of blue square, if you had actual walls that the square hits it would make it easier to plan your movements, as well as look less glitchy.

Another tiny thing to adjust would be the flickering of the player, it was pretty noticeable and getting rid of it would also make the game look a lot less glitchy.

The one big thing your game is lacking is a goal. If you want to stick with the hyper minimalistic approach which I'm all for, is to just add a high score and a timer, and you try to get as many objectives as you can within the timer. 

And honestly, if you don't want to add a bunch of bloated mechanics and levels etc, and just leave it as a clean minimalistic arcade game, the only thing it is actually lacking is polish / game feel / game juice. I would have used your remaining 16 hours to first make a goal, and then watch "The Art of Screenshake" on youtube twice, and proceed to add as much juice into your game as humanly possible in 14 hours. 

Just some very quick to implement features for the juicyness feeling would be to add a small audio effect, a tiny particle explosion, and some screen shake for every time you get a goal.  Also I would probably make the goals rotate infinitely in a circle and make them a cleaner shape than a rectangle. Besides that, you could find a nice free 16 bit music track and have it play on the background, and then try your hardest to implement as much game feel principles that you learned from art of screen shake as you can. 

Would love to see this game in a bit more polished state, I'm all for simple fun arcade games and the idea fits the theme perfectly!