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First off, the draw your own comic book cover? VERY cute.
Secondly, this is bare-bones light and FLEXIBLE. With the right group, you could tell some really cool stories with this system. The freedom the players are presented with really gives them an invitation to play.
I have only read the ashcan version, so there are very few GM tools presented. That's okay! I can't wait to see what kind of GM support Robotic Topologist plans to offer as the game expands, because if I had any criticism it is this:
Superhero games always put a LOT of pressure on the Game Master to create complicated problems for reactive supers to solve. The freedom POWER CANDY provides is a double-edged sword: GMs have almost limitless character concepts (and potentially godlike superiority) to contend with. That's a lot of prep work to do for a rules-lite game!