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(1 edit)

Great work! It was nice to ping pong between the knight and boss. The rogue-like feel spiced things up a lot. I ended up getting past the upgrade screen issue by resizing my window. (I zoomed out on my browser window a bit until I could click on the buttons)

There's definitely potential here if you wanted to add more power-ups and a long-term incentive for game progress. The sprites are also cute and appealing! 

In terms of balance, I think the boss tended to be much harder to play as than the knight, but overall both are interesting complements to the other.

(1 edit)

Thanks Glad you liked it :) and were able to get past the porting issue (sorry about that) Could you explain how you resized your game to get it to work for others?

Haha no worries bugs happen. I edited my comment with an explanation (I had to zoom out on my browser with my keyboard a bit to interact with the buttons. Although if I zoomed out too much I think the buttons became invisible, so there was a bit of a sweet spot)