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For only a few hours work, it sounds like, a good effort. I think "snake but you play as the apple" could work quite well as an idea but I think right now its a bit too easy to force the snake to go back in to itself - just move parallel to the snake and reverse direction and it'll kill itself. It would be a simple fix to fix that but I think there would be the issue of the snake being too good in getting you. Maybe the best version of this game plays more like Pac Man where you're in a maze and the snake has a personality where it isn't always trying to kill you? Hmm, not sure, but you've inspired me to think about it.

I thought of turning up the difficulty during development but strangely none of the people I had playtest thought of moving parallel to the snake usually trying out live the snake or run into it’s body and have the head follow it, Ty for the feedback tho