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Thats actually very helpful im gonna try and replicate that somehow

(2 edits)

I just dug this up:


// determine "away from player" opening direction factor (minus or plus 1)

   dtmp=ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode, "Position");// pos door pivot

   utmp=ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(ccbGetActiveCamera(), "Position"); // pos player

   var rad_rel=57.29577951; // to convert atan2 output to 0-360 degrees

   var adiv=Math.atan2(dtmp.x-utmp.x, utmp.z-dtmp.z)*rad_rel; // adiv#= ATan2((x1-ux),(y1-uy))

   adiv=((adiv+180.0 + doorsa[door_i].y ) % 360.0)-180.0; //adiv#=((adiv#+180.0 +a) Mod 360.0)-180.0

   if ((adiv >=-90) && (adiv <= 90)) { doorsdir[door_i]=-1; }

   else { doorsdir[door_i]=1; }


Notice: doorsa[door_i].y is the original angle of the door when closed.

Youre a lifesaver! 

Glad to help. Just added this to a current project, but (again) forgot that JS atan2 does not use -180 to 180 degrees, but I guess something like 0 to (Pi/2)- so I tried to find the "bug" for quite a while lol.