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I really liked the art and the game idea, great job!!! I wasn't 100% sure what the "next sale" timer was doing but I liked how the patrons you had were directly involved in the anti-tower defense aspect of it. 

The upgrades were easy to understand and reasonably priced, although I can see it getting a bit more difficult to get each upgrade at 700 gold as I wasn't getting any patrons with more than 70 gold at that point (with all 500's obtained). 

I think the calculations for profit making could be refined a little or just made a little clearer, for example if you sold the basic 30 gold weapon to someone with 30 gold, you'd get a 30 gold profit, but if it was 29 instead of it being sold for 30 (and 1 loss) and you gaining 29 but losing 1 gold because of the loss, you'd just lose 29 outright. I think maybe there could be some sort of penalty (like reputation or just outright gold. or a temporary debuff for less patrons) if people get to 0 money to spend. I like the idea that the people have less money to spend because they've been spending it elsewhere instead on you (you snooze you lose!)

I like that there are different weapons and therefore classes of patrons you could have, the upgrades were fun too and gave it a lot of playability. 

The music was pretty nice too, love the retro style!

I really love the concept, I hope you continue development


Thank you for your feedback, I'm happy you liked our game! Keep an eye out on it, it will almost certainly get some updates in future!


Hey Azuria, thanks for playing the game and giving some feedback!  How you described the selling at a loss mechanic is how I intended and thought it was working, losing just 1 gold for the loss and not 29 gold.  I'll have to take a look into that because it might be bugged, thank you for pointing it out!  It exists because I wanted the shop to have a limited stock of items, and every minute or so you could buy more, limiting how many units you could send into battle.  Then if you needed to sell at a loss, you could just sell it and the loss was built in because you already paid for it.  Ran out of time before being able to do it, so as it is now is supposed to simulate it a bit!  We're gonna do some polishing and balance fixing soon!