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(1 edit) (+3)


This is my rubric:

[ + - - - - ]      1 - Missing

[ + + - - - ]     2 - Somewhat Present

[ + + + - - ]    3 - Present

[ + + + + - ]   4 - Well Done

[ + + + + + ]  5 - Outstanding



[ + + + + - ] :: Enjoyment

I enjoyed finding the balance between helping and destroying humanity. When I figured out a strategy it was a bit of an "aha" moment for me; which is what I look for in a gaming experience.

That "aha" moment earned the 3 star rating I gave you.. I think I would have given it 1 or 2 more stars if there were more immersive elements, such as adding visual effects that happen for each card, or having a news blurb about what is happening due to building a casino/setting fire to the crops, etc.

Edit: I realize that I was being too strict on my rating. I give 3 stars to a complete and functional game. That "aha" moment is worthy of the 4th star. What I was complaining about here is more of a presentation issue.

[ + + + + + ] :: Creativity

I like the idea you went with, and the implementation of it. Not only did you reverse the role of governing the town, but you also gave context to the motive of eliminating people: Aliens.

I think that was a great approach, and that extra dimension is what earned the 4 stars.

I might have given it 5 stars if there were something more outstanding. Aliens are a bit of a trope; so what unique elements could you add? Maybe instead of being your classic aliens they are flower-people from neptune, or they are dog-people from the future.. something that stands out from the cliche.

All-in-all, good work on applying your ideas in a creative way!

Edit: What's more creative than aliens governing a town to simultaneously win favor and destroy humanity? I think I was asking for the wrong things when I wrote this review. Disregard everything I said. This is 5-star material right here. I really really like the idea and the implementation. I hope you build on this idea in the future! It could easily give birth to a full game series.

[ + + + - - ] :: Presentation

I wanted to give it 3 stars, because of how smooth a lot of the transitions were. The handling of the opening cutscene is probably what dropped the star for me. It just wasn't a seamless fit with the rest of the game (although I think having it was a cute touch). The chip-tune beat throughout the game was nice for focusing during gameplay, however there's nothing about the presentation that stands out as memorable or groundbreaking.

Perhaps a music theme would have helped here; as well as some of the effects that I mentioned in the "Enjoyment" section. Maybe having a blaze of fire during a crop burning, and/or people shouting, etc. Perhaps other effects or reactions like screen shakes, or background animations to go with the card effects.

Edit: You get the 3 stars. I think my complaint keeps it from the 4 star rating, but the presentation was solid, even if it was a bit clunky in the beginning. Why rate the game low because of a charming MS Paint cutscene?

Final Review:
Sprawl Decay is a worthy entry to the 48 hour GMTK game jam, with a creative twist on city management. It was fun to figure out how to simultaneously provide for, and destroy humanity.


Confirming reviews. Gave you 3 more stars. Explanations in original post. Also giving you a follow. Looking forward to what you do in the future!