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Card games are fun. I like that it's simple, feels just like the type of game you would find in a place like this. The portraits and biographies of the characters are great to look at and read. I love hand-drawn games. The strategy of figuring out what card you should place based on what has the least-likely chance of being countered is fun. The NPCs snowballed me a few times though which was funny. Is the AI different for each?

Are you planning to take this further? Looking forward to seeing what you come up with to supplement the card game matches.

Thank you so much for taking the time to play my game and leave such a nice comment!

The AI is unique for each of the enemies. My plan is to add more and mor nuances for each of them too, developing specific strategies they'll used based on their story.  I have a lot of ideas that I'm still working on. Stay Tuned!

That sounds great. Definitely looking forward to seeing more!