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[Day 1: 05/07/2019]

Yeah, let's start this! I was very busy today, having to travel and all that, but I managed to squeeze some work into the game:

I couldn't stop thinking about the game during the journey, so I made (to the best of my abilities) a piece of concept artwork of the protagonist, Rayna

Here it is! (Hand-drawn, just traced over with paint for clarity).

Once I actually had some free time, I immediately started with the organizing part

Overly-complicated diagram

That out of the way, I started coding on Godot... and the problem that plagued me all this time attacked again: I could program all I wanted, but without art assets, it'd be impossible to see if it worked or not! So, I decided to grab some placeholder art from OpenGameArt and started working. At this time, I have the player character with collision and walking animations.

Godot Screenshot

I could do more, but it's 1 AM and I have to sleep so, Good Night!

PD: Animations are both harder and easier than I thought :P