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Nice simple game!

Being able to play as a super strong boss is a very fun feeling, and dishing out waves of bullets is very satisfying. 

I really like that there are some upgrades to get after each fight, It really adds to the excitement to see what strong ability you will get next. The thing I would look forward to the most in future versions would be more abilities and upgrades to get, maybe even some paths to go down to get different builds.

I think that hitting the player feels a bit like luck most of the time, it could be nice to have some skills or abilities to force them to move in certain directions to catch them. Although, this may be an intention thing because you can dodge most boss attacks.

I also think that games like this should really lean into the generic tropes that are seen in boss fights. Having to worry about certain things within a boss fight that you don't usually do in normal games adds a nice gameplay dynamic. These things could be : The boss having a weak spot, Getting hit by things within the arena, player skills and abilities to get an advantage, etc.

The visuals are very nice, creating a cool underwater aesthetic.

I'm glad you liked the gameplay and mechanics. It sort of is luck based when you hit the player but if you notice during other bullet hell games the boss is kind of just sending as many bullets at you and you just need to dodge the patterns, I wanted to replicate that feeling. You have some really great ideas to refine this game! I will likely update this once the voting period is over and add some more 'synergistic' and interesting mutations. I did want to add a dodge roll to the Diver to make it feel more like a main character fighting a boss but I didn't have the time. Thank you for playing!