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We did a reverse shoot-em-up too, but focused on the boss fight/bullet hell aspect. I expected it would be difficult to balance something like your game, where you're summoning armies, but you did a pretty good job of it! I survived with just 4 health to spare. :)

There's probably a setting in Unity that lets you scale pixel art cleanly - it's a bit of a shame that the boss ship was a big blur.

Nice work! Well done executing on the concept.

Oh that sounds cool, will have to check it out when I'm able to! Also great to hear that it seems balanced! Given how simple the Hero AI is,the Boss' forces had everything in their favor before some last minute changes.

Regarding blurry sprites, yeah there's definitely a way to do it, I just missed fixing it (when I use Unity, the game camera takes up roughly a quarter of my laptop's screen - easy to miss some things this way).

Thanks for checking it out and thanks for the feedback!