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I absolutely adore simple retro, pixel characters so this was a delight. I'd do more things in this style however my abilities in pixel art are lacking lol.

Gameplay was very simple but very fun! The music choice and the sound effects fit the game well, and I could really sort of "feel" the actions. My aim is horrible of course so I missed a lot of shots but I had a lot of fun with this!

The only critique I really have with this is that the theme only really fits with the game's premise; it would be interesting to see you pull from the theme even more in the gameplay. Kind of like what you mentioned in your review in my game where, what happens if you're given the option to disobey?  Things that sort of offer a "twist".

Overall I had a lot of fun with this game's simplicity and style, it would be cool to see you continue this afterwards!

Goodluck with the rest of the jam!

Thanks! And yes, the disobey option could make the game more interesting.