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I really liked this game's concept, it had a nice aesthetic, though simple, was enjoyable. Unfortunately the character got stuck on one level, so I could only make it so far. Would have played more.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing! You can pan the camera to force the player to be out of frame and restart the level. You can also press N if you want to skip a level.

ooo, I'll give it a try. I panned the camera to try restarting, but it got stuck again. But skipping should do it!

It was somewhat me being silly, I suppose, I didn't realize you could guide the character down a different path. I think the game is even cooler, now knowing that, but would love it if it was pointed out more clearly that the character might change paths depending on the camera location. I don't know if you can change the description now before the jam is closed, I'd love it to be clearer, but now that I know it I like it more.


Thank you for the suggestions! We considered having the "player" say things while playing the game to give hints to the actual player. Unfortunately, our voice actor had to sleep early :)