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(1 edit) (+1)

Very cool. The music and art fit together really well with the humour in the writing, and it was a fun experience. Loved the writing; I laughed several times.

I don't have much else to add; everything works well in the contained experience this is. I would have liked there to be some way to throw someone under the bus, maybe for a temporary reduction in suspicion to get you through a tricky spot. Also, the stops seemed like a missed opportunity; I would have liked to see something happen at each stop/leg. Maybe an event, or a drop in suspicion for everyone as the sleuth gets distracted or something, or a way to drop a very suspected member (or just a random one) of the crew (i.e. a betrayal!)?

Thanks Jaco, glad you enjoyed it. 

Agreed there's potential for more events and different storylines to unfold depending on the cards chosen.