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I was very surprised at how the computer could find words that worked.  The concept for this game was interesting.  I have three problems, the first was how small the UI is compared to the screen size, I had to zoom in very far to see the screen. The second problem was it would make a word like pub, but the game wouldn't recognize the word.  The last problem was when I managed to fill to playboard up with letters and there was no screen to say the game was over. Besides those three problems the game worked well and was an interesting experiment. 


Thanks for playing, the computer and game knows about 200k English words and uses a lot of regular expression searching to figure out strategies of how to best play.

I didn’t think about people with 4k screens, I really should have considered that.

That the game didn’t recognize the word PUB in left->right or top->down direction is really strange. It is in the wordlist:


For game end, the game follows the logic of “when a tile can’t be placed” which happens after the player selects a tile when the board is full. Which in hind-sight might not seem the most logical solution but follows how tetris works, that it’s the out of bounds piece that ends the game.