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(2 edits) (+1)
  • I don't remember if this is how it was last time, but the game is behind the taskbar in borderless mode.  When restarting the game, the window is centered on the bottom right quadrant of the screen. Enabling borderless mode should automatically set the resolution to the monitor's and make the window cover the whole screen instead of just hiding the borders.
  • The resolution doesn't take the window borders into account.
  • When maximizing the window and enabling borderless mode, the window is offset to the left by a few pixels so the left edge gets cut off while there's a gap on the right.
  • Why would I want to adjust my resolution pixel by pixel separately for X and Y? Just have a normal dropdown menu.
  • Make RMB go back in menus.
  • Your ammo should refill when the character puts in the new magazine, not when the animation ends. As it is now, kicking at the end of the reload animation forces you to redo the whole reload.
  • The loadout screen is clunky. Have the selection centered on the cursor, get rid of the "Accept" button, and make the info show up in a separate window by just hovering over the options.
  • You should be able to arrest stunned enemies.
  • Telling a squadmate to throw a grenade at a location should make him move into line of sight first instead of throwing it into a wall and hitting the whole team instead.
  • Opening the orders menu should pause the game.
  • Teammates should automatically arrest suspects if they're close and don't have anything else to do.
  • Add the order to arrest all suspects in a room.
  • Collision for suspects should be disabled as soon as you press the button to send them away.
  • Consider using letters instead of numbers for the orders to make it more consistent and easier to remember.
  • Dead enemies should be visible even if they're outside your field of view.
  • Add a cooldown for grenades so you can't throw two of them in half a second.
  • Add an order to make a squad move to a location and watch a direction.
  • The "move and hold" order doesn't seem to do anything.
  • Teammates should automatically take cover from grenades. Enemies, too, depending on the situation.
  • Add a preview for what route a squad will take to a location when giving orders, and put an icon at the target location after giving an order until it's executed.
  • Allow queuing orders.

Some of these points are just my game doing a bad job of explaining things but others are good ideas, thanks for the feedback.