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Deleted 35 days ago
(2 edits) (+1)

Your heart is heavy because of the gymnastics your pulling to discredit me. Count the periods. Those questions are rhetorical and if you can't extrapolate ANYTHING from them then the fault is your own. But hey if you want to attack me ad hominem and call me names go ahead. It's a pretty easy way to argue anyway, you hypocritical thick headed fool who can't actually address any points and wants to directly attack me instead. Nice argument!You definitely know how to "create an argument instead of making yourself an easy target to get pulled apart." hypocritical, ad hominem, and blatantly ignoring points i made! It's like i don't even need to counter! Also nice job joining in a conversation you weren't a part of (not that it even matters wtf?(literally every comment before the first is guilty of that if you can even call it guilty???)! I am LITERALLY one of the ones you THINK should have a say on the matter and i'm saying "yes" with reasons why. But i'm sure you want my family tree diagram to prove that right? Racism? who? Wow! more rhetorical questions? can you tell i'm calling you racist? Honestly, drowsy wasn't being incredibly rude but its not like he was being polite. Even then its a discussion so why be mean? as for why I am being mean, well I'm actually responding in KIND. Get it?