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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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Treating a terror of folklore as a horrifying creature should be considered a respectful interpretation. I would also like to ask how one could be seriously and deeply affected by this interpretation of the wendigo. Often times making a creature up instead of using one already known gives it less gravity, especially in a short game with not much room or budget for a triple A horror monster set up with hours of in game lore. Even supposing that it WAS wrong the concept of the wendigo has already become a worldwide cultural mainstay. There is no way to purge it from media exactly how genies not going anywhere. Why not take the opportunity to enlighten others about the concept when it comes up and congratulate respectfully made and creative pieces? No one will get through to people by being upset/upset for other people and shaming them. It is just not an effective policy.

(2 edits)

Your heart is heavy because of the gymnastics your pulling to discredit me. Count the periods. Those questions are rhetorical and if you can't extrapolate ANYTHING from them then the fault is your own. But hey if you want to attack me ad hominem and call me names go ahead. It's a pretty easy way to argue anyway, you hypocritical thick headed fool who can't actually address any points and wants to directly attack me instead. Nice argument!You definitely know how to "create an argument instead of making yourself an easy target to get pulled apart." hypocritical, ad hominem, and blatantly ignoring points i made! It's like i don't even need to counter! Also nice job joining in a conversation you weren't a part of (not that it even matters wtf?(literally every comment before the first is guilty of that if you can even call it guilty???)! I am LITERALLY one of the ones you THINK should have a say on the matter and i'm saying "yes" with reasons why. But i'm sure you want my family tree diagram to prove that right? Racism? who? Wow! more rhetorical questions? can you tell i'm calling you racist? Honestly, drowsy wasn't being incredibly rude but its not like he was being polite. Even then its a discussion so why be mean? as for why I am being mean, well I'm actually responding in KIND. Get it?

Count the periods. You can call it whatever buzzword you want to, but not allowing people to derive anything from or share in a culture is how they disappear. Clearly you didn't process any of my points if you want to immediately dismiss me for referencing SIMILAR MATERIAL and taking RHETORICAL QUESTIONS as a non argument. Artwork derived from and the culture it came from can exist side by side in a beneficial relationship. Here's another rhetorical question or two: Are you the spokesperson for all Natives? And what of me? I'm saying its ok and why I think it is. Perhaps we should compare racial lineages to settle who's opinion matters more? 

(4 edits)

I don't think it matters if you don't think I have a right to a say on the matter based on race, but I'm native too. I don't care to measure our racial qualifications any further. It's not just "your folklore", culture is human culture. It is history not something to gatekeep and get mad over. Were you the first to encounter the wendigo? Was your spoken tale the start of the legend? This monster worked its way into native folklore because people were let into the story. The information was shared from one man to another. Other people would tell their own soon after. Please don't be elitist about storytelling. Can't you see the concept of the wendigo has stretched far past its origins? It is like Yokai. A native Japanese person could probably explain to you the difference between local legend and its use in media, but it's already left the bounds of the island. How many authors now have used them to tell wonderful and terrifying stories themselves? I think the original orators and authors would be so incredibly thrilled to see yokai shared in these stories, as they themselves felt the urge to share it too! Like fairies, The wendigo is already well ingrained in worldwide culture and heavily associated with woodlands and nature. Why not use it here? It fits, it works, its terrifying. The concept is being shared to many, shared creatively, and is being exalted as a centerpiece of artistic expression. And as for the original legend? Why rag on new media(that isn't purposefully insulting) instead of just sharing what you know with the people around you? Plenty are willing to listen to old, faithful tales and history. They can coexist. You could have left a comment like "Your piece was great! The wendigo is a really fascinating creature. Did you know..." and it would have only added to the conversation. From almost every instance of cultural appropriation I have been presented with I am beginning to believe it does not have a need for a term, unless it is specifically derogatory. We are all human. This is our history. Did we not share it amongst ourselves? Why not with others? because of our skin? our land of birth? I like to think that tradition is here to be shared and enjoyed not forgotten and controlling.  

Things like these make my heart heavy.