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Why does the main character (?) - who is surrounded by women - touch another man? Is this a gay thread in the story? It’s like he doesn’t interest about the women around him, just that man.


You seem quite insecure there mate.


What? I’m just curious because I’m gay.If this game has gay elements or storyline, I probably will enjoy playing it. If it’s completely straight, I don’t care.


I'm quite late to the party here, but I'm guessing you mean the banner image displayed on top?

The reason that image is used is because it is a rendition of "The creation of Adam" by Michelangelo. The women here are being portrayed as the MC's angels and themes of godhood and granted powers play a big role in the story. If there is a deeper meaning as to why the MC is placed in the position of god while the actual 'god' in the story (the man on the bottom left) takes the place of Adam I do not know.

But no, I haven't seen anything in the game that would suggest the MC is gay or 'ignoring' the women.

Thank you for your answer! It’s never to late 😄