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I will be so honest, I absolutely adore the demo. When I saw the "To be continued..." screen I was like "DAMMIT BUT I WANNA FUCK THAT TRAITOR UP!" but like whoo boy, while I knew like someone would betray MC, I did not expect them to do it so quick. Especially during the day of MC's promotion like how fucking cruel is that???

Like-- Okay so, that just be cold. Not only that, asshole seemed to be really close with MC and turns out it was all a lie?? Whatever reason this guy has, I will not be swayed, Oz was right, a fucking beast woke up and I (MC) will not take this betrayal lying down.

I can just imagine the social ramifications that'll happen. Especially with MC's reaction to everyone pointing fingers at them painting them as a "villain" all while that asshole gets painted as such a hero and a noble sacrifice because of the relationship MC and he had. Like?? Was he just that close with MC to suck the benefits before throwing them under the bus to reap all the reward of MC's hard work?

Like I can't even gush about Oz because I'm over here sitting on my desk ready to punch the ever living shit out of him. But not only that, I'm kinda wondering if Oz would just fan the flames of an absolutely heart broken and vengeful and making them turn to the world of "darkness" and making them his partner in crime. Cause that would be absolutely amazing seeing a prideful and justice filled MC get backstabbed and corrupt because they see the awful side of the world they were proud to be a part of.

Maybe that's where Oz goes heart eyes for us as he sees just how far someone who looks upon the brightest of things can go for when pushed to their limits...

Either way, absolutely adore this demo of a visual novel, looking forward to what comes next! Goodluck to you and the team!