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Yeah, I noticed the performance has been a bit unreliable. Also, that issue with the intro cutscene has been a consistent thorn in my side, even with the windows download, and attempts to fix it have been unsuccessful. At first I thought it was just the order in which I showed the pictures, but it's wound up being a lot trickier to fix than that. It's ugly and I hate it so fixing it is on my to-do list, but it kind of has me stumped at the moment.
I tested it on mobile too, and hoo boy are there a lot of issues with that as well (like the music being cut out!!). I might have some ideas for addressing that though.

But it's good to know that saves are working,! That's a silver lining for sure! I don't know if they'll carry over well with newer versions, but that's a problem I can push off until later.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate the help!!