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(1 edit)

Interesting concept of flying drone via external monitors. Some flaws with the mechanics. That unity push button sometimes doesn't work. We have used the same button, after a few hits it stops working for no reason. Thus we have changed it with a basic trigger button. Btw turn of the shadows for a performance increase. Frame drops kills the joy.

in your opinion, all shadows?  Or only have one source?  

In v0.1.2, I removed some cameras which really helped framerate, but not quite there yet.  I was thinking next was to combine some meshes, but could try no shadows too.

Thank you for playing!

Only use baked shadows. Disable all other shadows. It made the real performance boost in my experiments. Start by disabling all. Also be sure to mark non moving objects as static. Than you can make the scene nicer by baking it. It takes quite long depending on your scene. So only do it when the scene is fully completed.