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(1 edit) (+1)

I like how this game feels so much more polished than the others so far. Inflation Rooms was the next best thing, but still feels unfinished.

There's a bug with the AR. It will not automatically reload when the clip is empty, unlike the other weapons. I can do it manually, at least. But it's a bug as far as I'm concerned.

I would like to see some more creative upgrades available for the weapons after otherwise maxing them out. Perhaps the AR could get a brief "piercing ammo" mode, Shotgun gets a much narrower spread, stuff like that.

I haven't tested the launcher in this hotfix, but I did notice that the shots passed through infected. Which can be a unique method for using the weapon but it also means it's dead useless against Hazmat infected. You either use your side arm against them or you die.

I have also experienced a freeze when the game ends and your character starts inflating. The game practically locks up completely, but then resumes normally when the end of game options pop up.

EDIT: Three suggestions I think would be worth adding.

  1. Disable the melee entirely and replace it with throwing whatever grenade you have.
  2. Make Q the button to automatically use your Heal/Cola
  3. Make the End of Game bottle a different color from the basic one to indicate its "auto kill" nature.