Definitely a lot of potential with this. And I'm excited to see what you do with it.
First off, a bug I noticed. When you pause the game to abort with ESC, starting a new one won't happen until you enter the menu and back out again. Not exactly game breaking, but definitely a nuisance.
Took the poll. I think Power Ups would be a good idea as the next feature. Invincibility, Bomb(s), Magnet and Hyper Shot would be my priority.
A number of Suggestions, some QOL:
- Have a total of 4 "ships" to choose from. These would give a little variety of gameplay and help assist on some of the emblems.
- Standard: The ship we use in the demo
- Wide: Uses a small spread of shots.
- Laser: Like standard, but it's a narrow beam that deals bonus damage to clothing.
- Homing: Fires shots that seek out enemy ships if they're present, otherwise fires forward.
- Standard: The ship we use in the demo
- Allow Love level to improve your ship's weapons or make that another power up
- QOL: Have markings on the LOVE bar to indicate total levels and progress to next.
- QOL: Keep all drops (love and power ups) limited to the current screen. Feels bad to not get a drop because your play area is moving down and the enemy is in the back when you kill it.
- Add a "Restart" button to the pause screen. (and maybe pick a different button for that on the Web version).
- Enable keyboard support. Honestly doing all of that with a mouse is very tiring on my wrist.
- Add an "Ultimate Date" emblem for 100% Love, 100% Clothes and without dying.
- Waves are currently randomized. Maybe adjust it so early waves don't include shooting enemies, and the enemies with tracking shots only appear in later waves?
I don't know how big of an ask some of those are. But I do hope that you like at least some of the ideas.