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A member registered Jun 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Definitely a lot of potential with this. And I'm excited to see what you do with it.

First off, a bug I noticed. When you pause the game to abort with ESC, starting a new one won't happen until you enter the menu and back out again. Not exactly game breaking, but definitely a nuisance.

Took the poll. I think Power Ups would be a good idea as the next feature. Invincibility, Bomb(s), Magnet and Hyper Shot would be my priority.

A number of Suggestions, some QOL:

  • Have a total of 4 "ships" to choose from. These would give a little variety of gameplay and help assist on some of the emblems.
    • Standard: The ship we use in the demo
    • Wide: Uses a small spread of shots.
    • Laser: Like standard, but it's a narrow beam that deals bonus damage to clothing.
    • Homing: Fires shots that seek out enemy ships if they're present, otherwise fires forward.
  • Allow Love level to improve your ship's weapons or make that another power up
  • QOL: Have markings on the LOVE bar to indicate total levels and progress to next.
  • QOL: Keep all drops (love and power ups) limited to the current screen. Feels bad to not get a drop because your play area is moving down and the enemy is in the back when you kill it.
  • Add a "Restart" button to the pause screen. (and maybe pick a different button for that on the Web version).
  • Enable keyboard support. Honestly doing all of that with a mouse is very tiring on my wrist.
  • Add an "Ultimate Date" emblem for 100% Love, 100% Clothes and without dying.
  • Waves are currently randomized. Maybe adjust it so early waves don't include shooting enemies, and the enemies with tracking shots only appear in later waves?

I don't know how big of an ask some of those are. But I do hope that you like at least some of the ideas.

Well, I'm in the server now either way.

Unfortunately, the posted Discord link is invalid. Make sure that the discord link you're using is a "permanent" link, not simply an invite. Invites expire after a set time.

(1 edit)

I'm not happy that you bumped up the price again. I have already paid $9 for the 0.9.5 version after paying $7 for the base version. I can't just add $6 to make it $15. Itch requires that I pay the full $15 as a single payment. Seeing as I've already put $16 in for the same reason ($7 + $9), it's EXTREMELY difficult for me to justify doubling my investment AGAIN. This is made worse from the fact I know I told you about this issue. I can't tell if you've just ignored it or are being scummy.

I really do want to help you on this by finding bugs and issues. I really want to see the game completed. Truly. I've been keeping my eye on it when it had much less of the final stretch of content.

If you want me to help, you've gotta bring the price down to the $9 tier so you're not double dipping into my funds again. As much as I want to play this version, I refuse to do it if you're going to insist on constantly asking for more to abuse the system Itch has in place. Especially since I've told you twice now.

I can see where you picked up a lot of your inspiration from. Not a bad choice.

I had trouble finding the 2nd digit of the code to the phone. I ended up brute forcing it after finding the other 3 with no trouble.

You mentioned needing funding for art, and I wholly understand the issue. This might sound a little controversial, but this is a case where I will say "AI images are fine to use". Especially if you plan to replace it later with proper art. If you still won't, no worries. I'm only putting it out there as a means to have a placeholder for certain scenes. At least until you can get the good stuff.

Part of me wants to suggest mechanics but... I know I should hold off on them.

I sincerely hope you can get some breathing room for game development soon. Maybe find other ways around certain issues that will help expedite overall development without really increasing costs.

I've been keeping my eye on this game for a while and somehow never noticed this dev note. I kind of wish you had release the 10.X version publicly (here), even if as an alternate download to the 9.6 version.

I wholly understand the difficulties of feeling like you're being torn between different projects, especially when you're losing the drive to complete some of them.

Hopefully someone's willing to pick it up. I was really hoping to see the Breast Expansion route open up. But as it stands I don't think that's possible.

Alright, quite solid game, even for its simple premise and such.

The biggest issue I had is that the pressure from each pump was random, at least it seemed that way. I did read the tutorial, and it made no mention of anything to determine how much pressure a pump would add, so I have to assume it was indeed random.

Still TBD, unfortunately. And Troll Ol has also been very quiet. I know we're near the end of the game too, so I would REALLY rather see this finished instead of ending where it is now.

Well, for the Mysterious Liquid specifically, it's completely random. So it's impossible to tell what it will do. You get it when you do not successfully synthesize a chemical in the lab.

In this particular case, I don't think there's a huge shift to the balance. Most events are already around 4 hours to begin with. The Laboratory would probably need to be limited to 4 actions though, to better represent the passage of time for looking around and making chemicals. 

You're still right the, on its own it doesn't introduce content. On the other hand, Momo's farm might be closed down at night. Maybe you'll sneak in and surprise her at night for a new event. Perhaps there's a group of bandits who only roam at night to avoid the more bloated ones who would relentlessly blow you up without negotiation. Maybe the market you can access changes based on daytime/nighttime hours? Lots of potential gets opened up by having time-based events.

It's not that the early game isn't enjoyable, it's just that getting a lot of progress is extremely difficult. Especially if you still want to keep yourself fully infected for not dealing with food. And with how some success rates are calculated, the difficulty tends to ramp a little quickly.

25 daysseems a little excessive. Not impossible, but it means most of the special events are hidden. I'm lucky to make it to 20 without constant save scumming.

Also, it may help to have a more static time cycle of 4 hour increments. Takes out some of the RNG of how much time some events take.

We could have Midnight, Early Morning, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening.

Midnight goes from 10 PM to 2 AM. Early Morning is 2 AM to 6 AM. Morning is 6 AM to 10 AM. Noon is 10 AM to 2 Pm. Afternoon is 2 PM to 6 PM. And Evening completes the cycle at 6 PM to 10 PM.

Each "Time Segment" takes one action, regardless of what you do. Bars are still affected normally by actions taken within that segment. Sleep doesn't even need to be changed because you can still sleep for 8 hours by doing it twice in a row.

Not bad. Definitely worth a run or two.

The only bug I noticed was the "Replay?" button not working. Everything else seemed to be in working order.

I think there should be an indicator on whether you've reached the maximum or minimum in something, such as height, breast size, etc. Perhaps when doing a sandbox run, some of these values can be set ahead of time.

(1 edit)

Definitely would like to see this expanded upon a little. A good premise. Easy little escape room.

Would be nice to get a proper "reset" button, rather than being forced to completely quit the game and load it all up again.

Tried to play this on a lower end PC. Even on the lowest settings it couldn't handle it well.

There are only 2 glaring issues I have. First is that two of the pieces can be very difficult to find due to physics. Second is that the sand blocking the last portion is still something you can walk through, it should probably get some proper collision to prevent the player from submerging themselves in sand. Easy enough to get out, but still annoying, especially since I've found some rogue pieces in that area.

EDIT: Found a little more to explore. Trying to puzzle it out now. Although in the meanwhile, I did find a bug that might be worth correcting.

After solving the main puzzle, you can use the other two gems to boost yourself further. However, putting one gem into a spot you've already maxed out will leave the gem locked in the socket, unable to be removed.

I hope to see an update to this soon. I know we're really close to being finished and would love to see the conclusion.

It's an okay start.  Clearly you took a lot of inspiration from Buckshot Roulette, and that's alright.

I do think that at least 2 basic skins should be included soon. Breast Inflation and Butt inflation. If nothing else, I'd be WAY more inclined to support with just basic versions of those.

Display Bug: When you get 2 energy from being inflated, they're overlapping "+1", so it's difficult to see.

Major bug: After I won the very first game, the rest of the match kept playing while the score screen did nothing. It finally went to the main menu after the match finished, and never actually did anything score-wise.

Suggestion: Allow the dealer's POV to see their own status, not just with the gauge (although that's still helpful).

The "Mad Max" cheat wasn't available on my menu.

Huh. I had expected it to be its own standalone encounter with the way you wrote it. I had always skipped the gas stations because a hocake did very little, even if it's one of the safest ways to sate hunger.

Any hints on "how far along" a character needs to be for this new interaction?

Someone else had covered other bugs I encountered, so I won't repeat them here. My biggest complaint was that the text on the map was EXTREMELY small, and barely readable. The shop wasn't much better. Definitely should find room to increase the font a little. I didn't have a problem with Salvor dialogue, though.

I also think it'd be worth having colored borders on map icons to say "hey, you can go here". Would make them much easier to see as a whole.

In terms of the Juicer, there probably should be a way to upgrade it so it's more effective. Although I imagine that should also require a special item from the laboratory as well.

The best way I've found to juice is to meet the female bandit and successfully seduce/convince her. You'll be dropped to 0 and she'll almost certainly burst as well.

I would love to see more content around Dimorphex. Especially events that rely on having taken a certain amount before they can trigger. I also wonder if the cow milk from Momo could also have an effect of Dimorphex, even if it's weaker than actual Dimorphex (due to satisfying hunger).

Lastly, and I know this isn't for everyone, but would Futa content be possible? It might be best restricted to just the player, but it could be a neat way to expand the situations the player can get into.

Two things about "making stuff at the lab". You still need a battery for each one, which is its own gate. And because your gauges will still run with each "action", you have an increasing chance of failure even if you've made something 10 times. At least, that's how it is with the current setup. Saving up batteries will not protect you from dying due to sleep deprivation or bursting. Especially since you can't use items while in the lab.

So I would say that if we have a chance at guaranteed checks when making stuff in the lab, it would require two conditions. 1st: You've made that product at least 10 times. 2nd: Your mental fatigue is no higher than 50%. Once Mental Fatigue is past 50%, your odds of success start dropping hard. That should make the reliable production too difficult to obtain without save scumming. Sound reasonable?

Maybe it's just me, but I'd like to see a point where, if you survive long enough, certain checks are automatic successes. Especially with the lab once you've made something enough times. As for more general checks, have the stat measured against its fatigue to balance out success vs failure. Some checks, of course, should always have a chance to fail (like against the bandits).

That would probably mess with the balance a bit. But the RNG of what you encounter can already screw you over pretty quick. That's just how all Rogue games are.

Yeah, I didn't mean that. I meant more "Chance of succeeding str checks increased by..." on a stat screen. Success/failure is still pretty obvious and binary. So I don't think printing out whether it is a success is needed.

Just a simple "here are your stats and what they do". And again, while I'd prefer knowing the exact numbers of my stat bars, I understand if you don't want to give that away. I've noticed that it seems possible to get enough capacity to fully drain the blueberry woman, but it takes a LOT of work.

So far, the premise works well. I'm hoping we get more images to represent the various encounters and their results.

I noticed that stat bars are hidden when you're spending extended time in the lab, all of your bars are progressing even though the in-game time seems to not move. Being able to see those bars at all time would be useful.

I would also like it if we had more detailed stats, and what they affect. For example, we can get a starting stat bonus, but we don't really get to see what it does to our status bars even vaguely. Same with various consumables. I personally would also prefer a "hard number"mode, but I understand if you want to keep those hidden.

My personal preference is to also have "female exclusive" mode with a matching "male exclusive" option. So that all characters/encounters are either female or male. I'm not into the male side of expansion, that's all.

I do look forward to future updates and see what we get.

Tried out the demo. Not a bad start. My main criticism is that there wasn't any expansion so we could get a sense of how those scenes would play out. No enemies either, that I could tell.

It functioned well enough. Biggest gripe is how the picture from "get a picture" button only clears when you click on the control panel. I would rather see that being a constant, rather than a toggle. Especially since you could still click on the map behind it to make the Salvor move. Only other bug from there was that if you clicked "reload demo", you'd retain everything from your previous run. So you could unlock those doors immediately.

On the note of "safe food", I think it'd be worth adding fish that cause her to expand between missions, which can lead to more complications if you're not careful.

Since this appears to be a top-down view, I think the 0 degree rotation is best, particularly since cardinal directions (North, South, East and West) would be useful for navigation and immersion purposes.

Any idea on roughly how long it will be before the demo is released?


Still, a very complete experience. No complaints on the writing or how things go.

Only suggestion I'd have from here is the best ending including a new code to be put into the keypad that does let you get both maximum size and the best ending. But it'd require already being as big as possible for that bonus to work.

It might just be me, but I haven't found a way to boost Sara to her absolute maximum size and still get the best ending.

Here's the things I do know on how to increase her breast size:

  • Use the Raygun on her (or entice her to using it on herself)
  • Read the delivered book in the lounge
  • Read the idol incantation
  • Give Meloni all of the fertilizer and the bottles from the sitting room (+3 sizes)
  • Wish for bigger breasts with Lustra (locks you out rescuing Lilith for best ending)

So I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing. Especially since it feels a little disappointing that you can't get both maximum size and best ending.

Unless giving Meloni breast milk (before fertilizer) is supposed to make it +4 sizes and it's just not working.

Played through

First off, glad to see this got updated again, even with such a big gap. I hope to see this game completed soon. 

The path to the two princesses feels a little redundant with 2 panels on each path just to get to the next spot and nothing but moving between teleportation circles. I also couldn't notice the door that opened up in the floor the first time, but eventually found it. Perhaps the hole tile could be replaced with something else to be a little more visible.

Another thing to mention is that the one-use keys for these sections make you worry about whether you can get everything that's in the area. I'm sure there's enough keys total, I just don't like the idea of possibly being locked out of gear/rewards because I misused one or two keys.

Was a little confused with the secret story mentioned. The instructions make it a little difficult to understand how to get to it. So as far as I can tell, I haven't seen that extra bit of story. This could also just be an error in translation, which is understandable.

Still, solid update. Did not have any issues using an old save, although I'm sure I'll copy one over again because of an event in this update to see what the results are.

Based on what we have currently, I'd suggest that the main gameplay loop is "collect all the slime you can without getting caught be a milk fiend". The bigger you are when you reach the exit, the more you get for various upgrades. You already have a solid premise where bigger boobs make it harder to get through portions of the maze. And I think that's a good risk vs reward trade off.

Pretty good. Simple, yet addicting.

Mildly annoyed there's no pause button. Not the worst thing in the world though.

I can't tell if it's the game doing this on purpose or not, but I've noticed that it likes to spawn the next drop in a way that prevents you from getting the bigger boobs power up, at least once you're a certain size. It's actually really annoying to go "Well, I can't go get that because if I do get it I'll miss that drop for no benefit." Juggling only goes so far and frankly I'm not good at it. It often leads to me missing more drops, which just makes things more frustrating.

I think a "grid assist" mode might help, for those players who want to have a better idea of the hit boxes. Particularly at smaller sizes. Grid Assist mode would not be valid for sending a high score, since it's mostly practice.

Not surprised on the size limit, but I did enjoy the fact that jumping when big enough caused a quake of the background on landing.

All in all, definitely would be something I want to download and tell others about.

You're right. "Bug" isn't the right word. But I did believe it was something that should be addressed. Glad to hear that it is. Hopefully that update is soon!

Version 0.1.24 Bug
Just a heads up, but it is possible to soft lock the game by draining both blue and red before white shows up. Since white won't show up until at least round 4, both blue and red can be drained of all size leaving you unable to play against one of the casino girls and have no way to progress further.

As far as I know there's no actual max height. I've gotten over 2k. But the picture stops updating well before that.

If you wait out the timer, there will also be a portal that opens up where you first spawn in.

As for the 3 items? Interact with more unique looking items and you'll eventually find them.

So glad to see this new update. Although it's a shame that the main page cannot play the current version.

Gotta admit, Kelemana is a very weak boss to use against the Hero. Especially true since Vaal gets such great synergy with the gas rooms. I think the various servants you put in should each get 1 trap type they're good with, so that they will be more successful if you "learn" them.

Vaal already has the gas rooms. Kelemana could "grow hungry" with the flame rooms "cooking" the hero. Melvii seems to be a Jack of All Traps (which is fine). I know I suggested a counterpart to Vaal who would use her massive breasts to charm the Hero, and she would be perfect for working with the pitfall trap because it sends the Hero right into her cleavage.

Great start so far. Definitely looking forward to more. Just a couple notes.

For starters, I don't know why the game can't be played entirely with the arrow keys/enter. While this is MOSTLY true for the game, selecting a rival to challenge must be done with the mouse. I'm not sure if that's an oversight or what.

Not really a bug, but something to note. After a certain height, the player and rivals can grow faster than can be drained. While this isn't strictly true for the player (because they can sit and allow themselves to be drained), it probably warrants a hard cap on the growth of rivals. I was actually gambling constantly with Blue, and because we both grew more than 100 every 5 games, it was impossible for either of us to outpace the growth. For Blue, this was at about 800 height (when the growth triggers).

Another thing to note is that, for White, she said surviving for 3 minutes would count as a win. The timer actually means nothing, neither win or lose. I'd be fine if it counted as a loss, but it would need to extend into the shed if it does.

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I've only found 3/4 Keys. Gold Key, Jet Black, and Hefty Steel. No Brass. Does it have to do with the idol? I've had no luck with figure out what that works with either. Found the Brass Key. It was just tiny enough that it's a PITA to see, much like the Jet Black Key. Still no idea what to do with the idol though.

The Green Balloon being a red herring is... annoying.

I'll have to check. I've found 3 keys, but I don't think Brass was one of them.

I have not found any key or method of unlocking the door in the R&D lab. I don't think I've missed any items or combinations that could open it up. I suspect this is where I would get the latex chemicals for the hot tub, which I seem to also be missing. Especially since I haven't found a use for the green balloon yet.

Also, kind of hope I'm wrong, but it seems like picking Colleen and Bubble Mistress is an unwinnable game. Colleen can't just get past any of the enemies who block the road to the castle, and Bubble Mistress won't do anything either.