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Hey, thank you for trying my game! it means so much to me that you were able to finish it (the 25 levels so far) as it shows the game is very playable. Hearing that the game was intuitive even though it sounds very difficult fills me with confidence :) 

Thank you for pointing out those bugs as I thought I had fixed the AI going off screen. The ghosts ignore all navigation for some reason...

I understand the gameplay loop can get rather repetitive. I thought of fixing this through more diverse gameplay scenarios (like mission types) rather than unlockables, but I do have an unlockable system in mind so hopefully that will make the progression feel concrete and as levels feel like they are working towards a greater goal :) 

And I can understand the thread snapping being an issue too and appreciate your concerns, I actually forgot to add a sound effect for it but I can certainly add more definitive feedback from being hit and infirming players 

That is amazing feedback thank you and it has made my day hearing that. Thank you so much :) 


Glad I could help to some extent haha - the game is definitely playable and fun as is, and as for the difficultly, I might just be bad at it! I tend to favor slower paced games haha, and even I felt like the difficulty here was still pretty reasonable.

I'll try to keep following this, cause it seems really cool and I'd love to see where you take it from here! It definitely sounds like you have cool plans ahead. Happy developing! :]

It means a lot! Others have also struggled with the game so its not just you :)