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Yes! Dog! Me! I try be happy good boy!

Oh that is quite a take on starting a story!

Doesn't seem much in terms of interactivity or alternative sprite expressions right now.

Erf... Weed..., but don't let me tell what to do about it, your choice, not mine, after all! :3

The tunes don't quite feel like they belong, but I can't say for certain, it could be because I've heard them in another VN.

I like to make others smile, but I'm not one to actively seek to be entertaining, least to large groups anyways. ^^;  Playful but only subtly flirtatious, small things.  Not one irl for anything kinky, but open communication and consent are musts! ^^  Passively mischievous/quirky and clever, though not at all times (always room for moments of derp).  Am keen but not exactly good at problem solving, more when I am involved, maybe average at strategy.  I wish for Justice and Fairness too, but one must remember that its a two way street, no double standard crap else fairness is last thing that will ever exist!   I like romance, I like to be able to care about others, being kind and compassionate and receiving it in turn is what I value for bonding with others.  I like gatherings but I'm not one for parties, though then again I've never really been to a party, so I can't be for sure.  Passive when it come to activity and fitness, not one to actively do it, but not exactly against it, would best if I had someone to do it with I think.  For that reason not always up for challenges.   I'm not one for a leader role, but I am VERY observant.  Loyalty and Devotion is great, but it can never be blind!  No fun in being a lemming.  Depending on the case, there may be ample or lack of reason to challenge authority, but these days it does indeed seem there is rampant abuse of power, both up high and down low :/  DnD! :D

Juno seem like they have the personality I like the most, but kinks I'm not into.

Amos seems to be the most like me, aside from the kinks.

I think I have my two choices.

To be frank I'm only 3 of 7 shades of the Rainbow, introverted, half conservative, half liberal.  So I guess I aim to be open minded, but from a point of reference where things have worked.  Generally looking to seek some stability when it comes to new things, got to have some safety in place after all, once that is setup enough, then freedom should be allowed for the rest.  (Don't be too lenient or restrictive, also hold even your own self accountable)

To sum it up, I feel like there are things I will like, things I won't mind, and a few things I'm not against but have no interest in.  To be expected of course!  In fact it only makes it even more tantalizing!

Esc key shuts down program, not opening a menu :/ Skip button is CTRL key?  Used to it being TAB, would be great to know before paw! X3