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Ooooh this agony!!! You're really killing me ;-)

The story is getting better and better and I just hate to wait for the next update!

Just two questions: Will Miri be back any time soon? She's by far not my favorite character,but I like her pretty much,nonetheless and second: do you like Bourbon? Claws says,she wants some WhisKEY after the job is done, but since the story is located in Japan, I would have expected, she'd prefer a good Whisky, especially since there are many very good Single Malts out there from Japan?

Anyway, keep up this fantastic work! It's really outstanding!


Miri is going to come up in the next update, yeah, although only via text message for now. Anything beyond that I'll let you find out in the update itself.

As for Claws: She's gotten into whiskey through Morrigan (who swears on the Irish stuff) and ever since prefers it over the local whisky. :P

Myself? I don't drink any alcohol, so I don't really have an opinion on what alcohol tastes good.

Thanks for your comment and your praise! I'm very happy to hear that you enjoy CH so much. :)


As a Scottsman and an avid whiskey drinker most of the more popular Japanese Whiskeys are closer to Scotch, and there are a lot of worse western whiskeys than Suntory or Nikka.

I usually have Suntory Single in the cabinet. It isn't as smooth as a MacAllan or a GlenDronach Revival but what is.

Also great work so far. 

Thank you for the insight! If the topic comes up in CH, I might use it to enhance Claws'/Morrigan's dialogue. :P

And thanks for your kind words. :)

A Scot eh??  Irish whiskey will ALWAYS be superior!!