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You're talking about the phone, right? For me she's there.
Silly question, but did you scroll down in the main cast menu? :P

In case you did and she's not between Okami, Yui, and Yukari, is there a locked icon instead? Or does it just skip from Reina to Yui?

*face palm* I probably shouldn't admit this, it's going to make me sound stupid and foolish; but I never tried to scroll down!!  I tried side to side but never down!!  Now, my inner Pollock is showing!!  Oy vey!!

I swear I'm not as unintelligent as that makes me seem!!  I just have a tendency to overlook the obvious and complicate things unnecessarily!!


Hehe. Don't worry about it, these things happen. Sometimes your mind is so preoccupied with other things (like worrying about a certain princess) that obvious stuff goes amiss. :P

yeah well your story is helps me take my mind of off real world problems!!  Ones that will never go away unfortunately!!

So thank you!!  Trust me when I say I need the distraction!!


You are very welcome. I am glad that CH can help out in that way. :)