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ur the little one

blind sakura

Sakura is the one who keeps falling, who simps over uchihas, who gets killed by me everytime, whose last name rhymes with chiham

I don't get killed every time by's only a few times

true. we only meet few times

You know're not sakura you're danzo..he's the worst

He is a true warrior of the leaf. Unlike sakura. Now say saske kun 5 times.

Why will I say my name 5 times ??! im not sakura ..u should say sasuke kun 5 times BLINDSAKURA

true. You should say shannaaroo everytime. Saske simp.

Say sasuke kun first

u keep using these. You discovered gif, don't you...

U little sussy

yes. im the co-founder and ceo of gifs

Why thanos...


They didnt pay rent

Rent of what, the sewer? I mean I can smell you from accross the planet.

If you really feel you are smelling someone from across the planet it only means one thing. Its about time you take a bath.