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Me too. Though I've downloaded everything and can play the demo. But the actual game won't extract (recent version). It gets stuck on game.rgssa.3a when trying to run the .exe

I haven't been able to replicate any extraction problems, but from the next revision I'll upload a pre-extracted version that's just in .zip format.

I managed to get all of it by compressing it into a zip folder and extracting it twice. Though is it normal for the program to say "Prologue Demo"? Because this was the version I downloaded from the website up above

For some reason, the displayed name staying as 'Prologue Demo' kept staying regardless of how many times it was changed until I exported it on another computer. 

Along with that being fixed, the 29/06/19 version is now just an ordinary .zip - so while it's good you were able to resolve your issue with the previous archive format, hopefully this stops the issue happening to anyone else.