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Hey there! You can call me Ten. I'm a college student from Manila, Philippines. This is my first time participating in a game jam, as well as making a game at all!

Recently, I've been into text games, such as 9:05, Counterfeit Monkey and Galatea. I really enjoy the stories they offer and the way they present said stories. I'm a hobbyist writer myself, so I've always been a fan of stories and how they unfold.

As for interests, I'm really intrigued by Philippine history - specifically the 1880s-1890s era, as well as Philippine mythology and folklore; you can expect my game to have at least one of those things! I'm not really aiming high with regards to this as this is my first time making a game, but I do hope to learn as much as I can and be able to see something through from start to finish!

hey ten! oh my god that's so cool im honestly really interested in ph history + mythology as well??? i'm super excited to see what you'll be up to this jam :OOOOOO !!

what happened to high seas and islands unknown?