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Hey! So I like the idea. It looks like a very simple but challenging platformer, but I think there's some design choices that feel a detrimental to your game. For example, I think you've set your camera up to flip when the player walks left. I think you did this to show what is behind the player, but it is very disorienting because it also flips the control scheme (as though it was a mirror). So, the tight jump at the end is often very difficult because the player has to adapt very quickly to the flipped control scheme. I think there might be some VERY interesting potential for a platformer game that implements this idea, but here it feels like an oversight more than an intended mechanic.
The other thing is the camera positioning. I feel like it is very low, so it often doesn't let you see if a bat is higher than you are. It's very close to the ground, and because it follows the player around, it can get very disorienting very fast.
A solution I'd propose to both of this issues would be to reference your camera from other platformer games, such as the older mario games. There, the camera only moves horizontally, doesn't follow the player frame by frame, and is set up between different positions, as if the game was composed of different screens. What this allows you to do is to always have a reference of where your character is in the game world, which is very important for a platformer. Maybe you can do this by having different trigger colliders in the different "scenes", or by setting it up in such a way that the Y-axis is always the same.