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(2 edits) (+1)

The idea of an interactive text game is always fun. It reminds me of playing games on my family's old Gateway with Windows 98. So I tend to relish these types of games when they crop up. Unfortunately, I feel like this is a missed opportunity. 

The 5W1H system is immediately a limitation and very hard to understand if you're not a text-game maven. Perhaps letting the player know what they can and cannot ask would be good for next time. The penalty is also particularly harsh if you input a wrong command; I immediately died about four or five times trying to figure out the system initially and had to reboot every time. That got old pretty fast. (Though I did like that there was an active food/drink system; that was an excellent addition which gave the game urgency.)

Once you figure things out, it's a very quick game which can be solved in as few as a minute or two, which is a pity because the concept (being trapped by a yandere and having your senses deprived) is extremely solid on its face. I'd have liked the opportunity to "play" with my opponent a little more in order to earn my freedom or to get more personality from our opponent whenever we asked something.

(Also: some help from the narrator would be nice at points to help the player out; otherwise, it just loops around to ope, you're dead, and that can be frustrating.)

There's some cute moments here and there, and the concept itself is good, but the whole package lacked cohesion for me and I ultimately wanted more. With no overhead in the form of art, music or VA, there is plenty of opportunity to explore that space and leave things to the viewer's imagination. If you revisit this concept, I think you'll ber able to find the right mark with a few adjustments.