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Hiya! I did some quick research. In order to make the game available on Mac, PC, and Linux, the simplest solution for us was to use dotNetCore. dotNetCore apparently requires your laptop to have some things in order for applications using it to work.

You may be able to install those requirements without changing your version of Windows. In order to try, check out the installations here for the C Runtime and here for a Security Patch. You might also have to install this in order for the C Runtime to work. 

If you don't want to go through all that (which I might not, in your situation), then try deleting it and redownloading it, or right-clicking on it and clicking 'Open.'

There were a lot of things we had to consider in the short time period, and we're sorry if you're unable to play the game because of it, but I believe one of the fixes I mentioned should work.

But also, thanks for liking the artstyle! Our artist can be found on twitter @minutekiwi and has done programming on the Heart of the Woods, soon to be available on Switch, but also available on desktop.

(1 edit) (+2)

You're welcome ^_^ Also I love Heart of the Woods, I bought the game almost at release day and I haven't been disappointed ^_^

And thanks for replying too, As everyone here, I'm perfectly aware a perfect game is impossible to come with in 72 hours :) I'll just try a bit more :)


I managed to make the game run! Under Windows 7, I used the compatibility mode with "Windows 7" after installing both of the files you linked me to :) Thank you again, will play it right now!

I'm so glad you got it to work! I hope you've enjoyed it :)


Definitely did <3 I gave it the best mark :D The gameplay is really solid, visuals are awesome - people's faces are especially very expressive - and sound design is pretty cool too :) Also the writing is real nice :o