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Just wanted to let you know that the Linux version seems to be missing the binaries. That is:

4.24.3-11590370+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0
Disabling core dumps.
Project file not found: ../../../CatBurglarGame/CatBurglarGame.uproject Exiting abnormally (error code: 1)

Thanks for the heads up.

I used the option to build for linux and put the output into an archive. I have no idea what to do if that doesn't work.

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I never used UE4, so I can't help you with the build arguments.

I'm presuming you're running Windows; have you set up the cross-compiler?

Yes, without that you get an error during compile.

As you can see, documentation is extremely sparse.

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Yeah, seems so.

The best I could find was a video about testing UE5 builds using WSL (which, in case you do decide to pursue Linux deployment, is worth setting up anywise).

Unfortunately, without looking at the project's settings and build output log, why the binaries are missing is only guesswork.