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(1 edit) (+1)

First of, Absolutely loved the demo and am looking forward to the full game.
Below are some bugs/issues I ran into, wasn't sure were else to report it as I couldn't find a bug report, and just some personal thoughts.
Also, note that I have the Steam demo installed, not the one from Itch, don't know if they are different.

1. The guy who is shot by the train who tells you about the bible and the map tells you to go to room 201 to find the bible. However the ladder in the alleyway supposedly leads to room 203 according to the text, and you can find the bible right after taking the ladder. Seems to me the ladder should lead to room 201, not 203

2. I ran into an issue where restarting a scene multiple times sometimes lead to just a black screen, which forced me to start over from the beginning. because even when relaunching the game and selecting continue it would still just show the same black screen.
(I haven't been able to find a reliable way to reproduce this, but I recall it happening in the scene where you talk to the wanted guy who got shot. I know it happened somewhere else as well but don't recall the scene)

3. If you go to the final fight without enough bullets, e.g. only with the bullets from the shop, then you soft-lock the game and have to start over as there is no way to get out of the fight (at least that I could find) and even if you die, then continuing just puts you right back in the fight with the same number of bullets.


1. This might be slightly more personal preference, but having the entire bottom of the screen pull out your gun is a bit annoying and I have already triggered the lady in the shop multiple times because I on instinct click the text box at the bottom to skip to the full text, and then I accidentally pull out the gun. Also in the "tutorial" with Winston he does tell you that you have to click on the gun specifically. So would be nice if the area to pull out the gun is only to the left where the gun is.

2. In relation to the above, having the skip function also work when examining stuff would be nice, so you don't have to wait for the text to appear, but can just make it appear at once

3. I'm assuming this is gonna be a final feature, but a save system would be great, both to prevent soft-locks, but also just to mess around with different scenarios. I beat the game by going up the fire escape, but I also wanted to see what happened if I entered the saloon, a save would have been nice for that so I didn't have to repeat all the same choices again.

There isn't a super easy bug report place, so here is GREAT, and thank you so much.

3. Annoying, you're supposed to get more after you die. BAH!

Great feedback, you're amazing, thank you. Trying to get some serious bug fixing done to improve the demo while dev continues..... slowly.