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The game was exceptional. I am dying to see the next volumes haha. When do you plan to make them? I just can't can't with the art style >~< It is so cute :3. Keep up that good work Mari-san!! (Imma call you that :P hope you don't mind ;P ) 

I'm glad you liked it :3 I can't lie, while I do still currently intend to eventually finish the other volumes, it's not likely to be any time soon >.< Weirdly, of all my projects, this one that was just supposed to be a silly sorta side project having fun making my first fandub/localisation has been the thing that's wound up netting me a lot of random negativity even though I didn't write the darn thing T_T So I came very close to just scrapping the idea of finishing the other volumes and maybe even deleting this one from itch.

I don't think I'm gonna do that though because I do still want to get the remaining volumes done as a fan project + it would be unfair to the kind people like you who've checked it out, actually liked it, and been nice enough to leave a sweet comment :3 It's just, for a time, the hate and stuff was extremely demotivating >.<

The main thing stopping me from getting anywhere with it now is just time, haha. There's never enough of it in a day to do everything I want to do x3 I haven't made any progress on this at all since I released the first volume. So it's very difficult to say when the next volume will be completed, and even harder to say when the whole thing will finally be done. Sorry, I know that's not very helpful :( But I will do it at some point :3 I don't intend to abandon any of my projects. It's just gonna take me a while to get them all finished, haha.

And you're more than welcome to call me that if you want to ^-^ Thanks for checking out the game and taking the time to write something so nice!


It's alright. Take your time. But the most important fact is you take care of your mental and physical help :3