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Oh the art style is incredibly pretty, probably the best I've seen across these entries. Gameplay is also very solid too, with the metroidvania aspect captured well and the implementation of a neat time mechanic. Some of my comments:

  • Turning could be a bit more... responsive? A lot of the times I felt like I wasn't able to turn fast enough to hit a goblin behind me.
  • I would have preferred it if the dodge mechanic was replaced with a dodge-roll mechanic like Dead Cells did - the way the dodge is implemented here is a little bit janky (it can cause you to fall off ledges, for example).
  • I think you could have afforded to add more diverse upgrades to the chests than just heart containers and the usual time magic upgrade. Maybe hiding a power upgrade behind it so you couldn't just grind gold for all your power boosts?
  • That final boss was INCREDIBLY tanky, to the point that I had to go full-on YOLO and melee the boss because just reflecting the bullets wouldn't have been enough. The boss having a melee counterattack that isn't telegraphed at all doesn't help things much I feel, and the time-dash while useful also felt under-utilised. For example, an attack which summons moving laser walls that required you to dash through them to attack the boss would be nice!