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Aight so,
There aren't many FMG games out there (makes sense, pretty niche fetish) but I'm all for this one, it's super fun.

The dialogue is seriously engaging.  I have never pressed skip *once* all 4 of my walkthroughs.

the pacing at the start is a little slow, especially since I found Diana on the very end of the first playthrough.

The artstyle is FANTASTIC, every character introduced so far really gets my blood going, both females and males, except Mike and James, which I don't like as Characters. Can't wait to DOMINATE them as Gina the next update(s)

all in all I'm now heavily invested in this, and on my paycheck I'm making sure to support, definitely putting in 30 euros because this is totally worth it.

I highly encourage everyone to play.
Aside from the "strength" stat, the rest don't seem to matter much?

I could not raise "composure" at all, assertiveness and kindness didn't seem to do anything to the dialogue, Gina was always mellow in her tone, I thought it'd shape her dialogue to be more, and excuse me for the language, "mommy" like with kindness and more "dominatrix" with assertiveness but it didn't change anything really, I hope this feature is expanded (ha) upon on updates, no matter how long it takes because dev will need to write separate dialogue trees and that's A LOT of work (going back to why this game is seriously worth it, dialogue is super engaging, especially when "gold" fell in the shop *wink wink*)

all in all, and sorry for the lengthy review, I give this a 10/10.
and I can't wait for the future of the gym 


Hi, glad you enjoyed it so far and never apologize for lengthy reviews. I love hearing from my players, both praise and critique. This is all new and very exciting for me.

Wrote it in another post, but I´ll gladly copy it for you too: The secondary stats are only triggers for unlocking dialogue options so far, but I plan to expand them through time. I want to use two primary dialogue "path" based on secondary stats in the future, like a good girl and bad girl  (not evil, more like dominant/aggressive) route. This would mostly impact the way Gina faces and lives out her muscle-fetish and desires.

ohh I can’t wait for the assertive/dominatrix route

Gentle Amazoness could also vibe really well, I’m all for it!!