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Hey!!!! I played part 2!!

Now, I loved the reference (and the clever use actually) of Utena, I really enjoyed Meredith as a character! Her melancholy really moved me.

The mystery broadens around Eva, and I'll admit I'm quite curious with all that is hidden behind what happened in the realm of dreams (whoich I won't detail for spoiler reasons)!

On a more personal level, I really LOVED the way you portrayed derealisation. Without venting too much here, it felt true, authentic... The blur, the deconnection, the "being lost in another world while still looking at reality from a distant eye"... it really was on point, and I loved it. And even the secondary voice talking, which is Eva but not exactly... Even the way you made the dream sequence, the fact it is so... distant, strange, unsettling yet familiar... Phew, I'll admit I got quite emotional when I read it, haha, so thank you for portraying it so beautifully!

Now, I wondered if there was a connection between the "MINT" thing and the fact Lirion has been described twice, I think, as smelling like mint chocolate? Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but haha, it caught my attention!

And now aaaah, you really ended the game on a cliffhanger!!!! There are so many questions left!!!!!!!!! I want to know!!!!! Is Lirion in danger????? Will Cassidy realise there is more going on than what she expects????

Really, I cannot emphasise enough how grateful I am... what you did just felt... right, I felt seen, I felt engaged and... wow. Thank you.


Hi henlo, glad to see you here again!

First of all, I was pretty obsessed with Utena while I was working on LGBT and I couldn't stop thinking that this would be something Mer would enjoy somehow, so, it just had to go in in one way or another. Some things just resonate. Glad you enjoyed both that and Mer as a character!

Moving on to Lirion and MINT, this was on accident actually, the idea of them smelling like mint (and chocolate) came before I estabilished the MINT acronym. But you've got a good eye, I can tell you that, I love it when people catch things like these 💖

It is a cliffhanger because LGBT theoretically happens right before The Big Game I Want To Do One Day. So, I'm sorry, but you'll most likely stay without answers for some time (though I'll try to answer some of those questions in smaller releases before that).

Now, for the last point, to the derealization part, since I think this one is pretty important. I base some experiences and feelings of my characters on what I went through and I did struggle with derealization quite often in the past (not so much now, fortunately). It can be a really lonely struggle, I'm aware, so I'm glad you felt seen and understood!  Stay strong and remember you're not alone in it 💖

Thank you for playing the full version and I hope to see you in Ivehorn again when the time comes!