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(8 edits) (+1)

Sigh. I found EVEN MORE bugs regarding Alice, Erie, clocks, magnets and doors. So, to make bug reports more interesting, I proudly present to you:

Automata Erosion with Valiant Strats, or A.E.W.V.S!

(yes I had to get creative)

Hopefully the picture explains everything already as it is. Erie stuck in place with a book, the clock motionless, the elevator stuck at the bottom floor, what more could you want out of life!? And even BETTER: softlocking the elevator is optional! That means you can complete the entire History Level with NO WORRIES!!! (ESPECIALLY if nobody reads this before the History Level is finished! TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!) No Alice, nothing! So here's what you do, in 10 easy steps.

  1. Retrieve the neodymium magnet from the table.
  2. Attach it to the entrance door of the Library.
  3. Wait for Alice.
  4. Vanquish Alice as quickly as she slices the door open.
  5. Piss off Erie.
  6. Patiently become escorted out of the Library.
  7. Return to the Library via the broken entrance.
  8. Find a book, any book to gain Erie's attention.
  9. Give it to her.
  10. Voilà! The clock will not move as Erie examines the book, so that Alice cannot catch you whilst Erie has you in her discipline. Neither will Erie, as she has already thrown you out of the library, which means there is nothing left for her. Therefore, Alice and Erie will both begone, lost forever in a personal softlock! Actually, I need to see what happens if I give Erie the book whilst Alice is present. Will she stop walking and glare at me with great creepy contempt as she waits for Erie's action which is never going to happen?

Anyway, as an optional bonus, here's how to trap yourself at the second storey, in THREE EASY STEPS:

  1. Set the elevator to level 1.
  2. Activate it.
  3. Dash out of there before the doors shut.

As the world stands still, should Angell not choose to travel back in time, starvation will ravage her body as empty packets of chips, soda cans and chocolate crumbs lay on the floor, later followed by decomposition. Hahaha, everything is so brilliant! I'll get back to you about what if I did that in Alice's presence.

EDIT: Nevermind, Alice still keeps moving. Also, every other time, I was always being too late. Well, this time, I got fed up with waiting and just gave her six wrong books. I don't know why, but I got quite scared when she swore at me. Lolololololololololololol. I was kind of in a rush. (What shocks me though is that she has low enough standards to read those terrible comics (and now makes librarian way too mature a position for a lunatic like her) but also higher enough standards than every other staff member to censor her own bloody profanity. Not only is she the only one able to physically censor herself, but she actively declined to swear at Viktor during the Christmas party.) By the way, I'm not sure why the bear traps appeared like this. I suppose it's to make them less visible.