im not really a VN guy, even the sexy ones bore me :D so i'll make some technical commentary
you've got a bunch of times where if you click lokk/listen/etc you get 'undefined' attributes
this ones funny though
Seeds: none | Items: feather4 setup.items[_item] - make for loop here
didjeridoos are indigenous australian instruments if you want to keep on them there are a bunch of maori and pacifica wind instruments
the 'continue' text could probably be a bit more contrasting, i missed it a couple of times, the bold green next to green text on a pale green background (which is also used for emphasis text in the body) could maybe be a bit more yellow, or something wildly contrasting. That or put it inline with the look/listen/etc
All the maori legends stuff at the start seem a bit heavy handed just to have it in there. The narrator doesn't seem culturally knowledgeable yet they can riff off a bunch of legends. The narrators former companion is set up as the one who knew stuff. It would make more sense narratively is that stuff either came from the bird, or the narrator was looking at books or journals left behind by the companion.
I got to the point where no matter what plant i tried to plant i got
I tried, but i gave up on the ending when i got to my third line of seeds in the UI
Seeds: coreopsis, whauwhaupaku, whauwhaupaku, oioi, oioi, korokio, whauwhaupaku, flax, coreopsis, oioi, whauwhaupaku, flax, coreopsis, coreopsis, flax, flax, korokio, korokio, whauwhaupaku, coreopsis, flax, korokio, korokio, whauwhaupaku, oioi, coreopsis
Overall though I think this is a solid entry, it's different, its on theme particularly for the overall theme of the jam. Having the growing lexicon to click on is great, you could probably have slipped some of the language stuff in there too (and also in the couple places you hyperlink in the text that might have been nicer in the lexicon)