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There is a sect in n1!! One of the members of the uchiha clan has become a heretic! 

its ipachi kun

We agreed that you would be Sakura... You can't be Itachi!

Also.. I am not weak, I became strong and smart after my fight with naruto kun

orokanaru otouto yo. you are weak cos you lack bow spamming

D: im training

Bruh why sakura lmao

And if ur sasuke does that mean blindmans ur wife


im sasuke befor marriage

He started..he called me sakura and I take it as an insult..I hate her


Cos she melee spammed way hard. Melee spammers are....

Now she is pretty good at bow and uses less melee.

I meant the actual character

im not a's not my fault.. the bow is difficult to use


We are a piece loving sect. We pose no threat to anyone.

-with love, PAN


Me : 9-1-1... Tuuuutt tuuut. 

**** : Hello, what's going on? 

Me : HELP ME! There's a heretic who has a red eye who wants  attacking me with a frying pan in narrow one! 

**** : Look behind your window. 

Me: what... What the... 

**** :look... 

Me : omg. A guy with a mustache!! Helpppp

**** : HELLO BOZO. I'm fatalem.... You'll die

3 sec later 

One eternity later 

Me : Where am I??? What are you doing there fatalem??? 

Fatalem: I think the noob I paid for a mustache just killed us with a frying pan... 

pan touching story


aw hell nah bra...