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i just downloaded the prologue, and i can't seem to open the file (mac), even after doing that thing about quarantined files. am i missing a step?

Hello! Unfortunately, there seems to be another problem that, at least for us, seems to (in our experience) only affect newer Macs, where it simply tells us the app can't be opened.

We've tried several fixes (chmod +x) to no avail. We're holding out hope that notarizing the app (giving it to Apple to approve of, basically) will solve the issue. We sent it off a few days ago but no word back yet, which is odd. We'll try and sort that out and get back to you if we upload a fixed build!

Thank you!

Hello, I know it's been absolute ages, but we just uploaded the new notarized version along with new instructions on how to make it work, if you're at all still interested!


no worries! i understand game development is a long process. i can't wait to play it once i get the time to (and yes it works ^-^) thank you for all the work you have put into the game so far, i can't wait for the full release :D