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Team Robo

A member registered Jan 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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That means the world to us, thank you so much for the super kind words! That's a really long time, and we truly appreciate your patience throughout all these years, especially with the constant failed promises. We can only hope that it's all worth it and that you enjoy the game in the end!

(ps Not sure if you knew, but it also happens to be Non's birthday so these words of encouragement are really well-timed!) 

Thank you so much! 🥰 Our lovely artist is nonagon!

We hope to have this game out before too long 😅

thank you, it looks fine. From your screenshot, it looks like it's still in the zip file, so i thought maybe if you moved it into a folder on your computer it might work... but I tried it for myself and it seems to work fine even if run from the zip file. 

i managed to get that exact code error by deleting one of those txt files, so i really can't think of any other reason it might be giving that error, especially on a fresh download. i'm so sorry 😔 

ah you've probably already seen but steam only has the prologue up at the moment, no legacy demo. by your picture everything looks to be in order, but just in case can i see inside the txt folder?

aiee that's so weird. From the code error, it really seems like one of the csv files is missing which shouldn't be a problem if your install folder looks just like the picture... 

Something weird is going on... If you have Steam, maybe it could somehow work installing on there instead? Otherwise, I'm running out of ideas :/

Thank you so much for the kind words! We're so glad to hear you liked it, and we hope the full game will resonate with you as well!

Thank you so much! We completely agree and are doing our best to have all elements up to par but it's definitely a difficult road. Hope you enjoy whatever you end up trying out 😊

Great to hear! I hope you end up enjoying it and that it's worth all your effort, but either way thank you for your interest!

Oh 🤣 well, either way if it's a code error, it's might be the way it was extracted. Everything in the zip file needs to be extracted to one folder, like so:

If prologue:

Or, if the legacy demo, like this

If that doesn't work, then I'd probably need a screenshot of the error popup to see what we're dealing with here.


Hello, sorry to hear that! If you're willing to try, we can try to get to the bottom of it. Are you on Windows or Mac?

Welcome back! 🥰 We hope you enjoy the new content, but we always say we understand if it doesn't click since it's so different from the legacy demo. Thank you!

Thank you so much for the lovely comment! We're so glad you ended up enjoying what you played, and we hope you enjoy the full release as well! 💕

Thank you so much! We really hope you end up liking everything! <3<3

Thank you so much Suilky! I can only hope it'll be worth the wait. Your super kind words are truly appreciated and we will make sure not to overwork ourselves 💕

You never know, but we hope you do end up enjoying it! Thank you!

Thank you so much! <3

She will certainly make an appearance, just not as a main character! 😊 Thanks for asking!

We can definitely see the resemblance 🤣

For sure!

Aa thank you so much for the kind words! We really appreciate it! We hope you enjoy the full game whenever it finally comes out!

(1 edit)

Darn! That's very strange, we'll have to look into this more. Thanks for getting back to us!

Thank you so much! We should clarify that if you played the legacy demo, we've taken quite a different approach to the full game — but we hope you enjoy it all the same!

Not yet! There's no concrete release date as of now, but we're aiming for August. Hopefully!


Aw we're happy to hear that, thank you! She will appear, but in what capacity or manner we won't spoil 🤭

Ooh, there is a lot of English in the game, but I hope you will be able to enjoy it regardless! Thank you~

Hello! Sorry about the trouble! This should be bypassed by following the steps under the Install Instructions above. Did you have a chance to try them? Thank you so much!

Thank you very much for the kind words ♥ We're especially glad to hear that the characters feel distinct and we hope you find their stories enjoyable!

it's a very fair and common misconception ^^ Thank you for your patience! 

thank you, that's so kind of you! 🥰

Ahh, thank you so much!💕

For saving: The legacy demo's save function is hidden away in the book in the top right corner of the screen (hover to show), though it only unlocks at a certain point. The prologue and full game's saving is a lot easier to access.

If you meant saving progress between the demos and the full game, they're completely disconnected, so nothing carries over.

Thank you again!

Probably a good idea — not only is it a cliffhanger, but it's one that won't be resolved in the full game due to major story changes.

Thank you so much, hope you end up liking it!

Pretty much! While the scenario will be different in the full game, that's all still correct :)

I see! It's been a while, but to me it seems like it wasn't installed correctly: all the files in the zip folder should be placed in the folder together.

It should look like the picture.

Hope that helps!

Sure thing~

Hello! B isn't trans, but is loosely inspired by the 'bifauxnen' character type. If you're referring to the legacy demo, any reference to B as "he" as a misconception on the other person's part (Hikaru's case comes to mind), but B usually doesn't mind. Officially, B goes by and is referred to as "she".

Thank you so much for the kind words! We plan to finish it sometime this year...

Hello! The prologue is fully kinetic, so no decision making. As for the full release, there isn't as much emphasis on traditional choice making as you'll find in many visual novels (not very many dialogue options), but there are "technically" choices in what you do with your free time and a few different endings. Thank you for your interest!

Thank you so much Miio! We really hope you end up enjoying the full game when it finally comes out! 💞

Thank you, hope you enjoy! 

Indeed, it's a result of having worked on the game for so long haha ^^; Glad you're enjoying the new style though!