I like it, it's original it remind me paper please.
But i try multiples times i didn't understand why sometimes i was wrong.
I know that when i receive a message that ask me to accept someone i have to refuse that person ( or accept to win more money but i lose a life )
Except from that i look at the mail to see if it's correspond, and the name idem ( but i think it's not like paper please so this is never different ).
So for example i though that person who worked in pizza were in pizzaOS so if i refuse a pizza guy on pirateOS or HackedOS it will work and sometime it worked sometimes no, i look at the @ too but I don't understand. I don't know maybe it's me but i think you could put more clues to indicate which informations is important to know if it's a hacker or not.
Except from that, the graphics are very nice i love the effect of the screen, good sound design. So congratulations !