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I almost never comment on games but this one deserves a comment so here I am. (no the game doesn't deserve a comment because it's bad, it's a pretty good game so far)

Alright, first things first, this is a lewd game. Most lewd games don't do a story, but this one does. In my opinion more of these games need a story with an actual plot instead of "get women." The story is pretty good so far and each of the characters (even the mc) have depth to them as well which makes each of them very unique.

The developer also seems to be having fun, which in turn makes the game fun. Simple things like "Square up, thot," Jimmy, and Red Like Roses improve this game in my opinion. 

Now, I read a few of the development posts and noticed that development is a little slow. That's not too much of a problem to me, I'm used to good H games like this having slow dev times as most of the good H games are made by either one person or a very small dev team. Games like Superhuman. Has a good story, has great art, great music, great characters, but slowish dev time. Which once again, I completely understand why it takes so long as perfection isn't instant. And while most devs will try to push out as many updates as possible, developers like Komisari and WeirdWorld try to make incredibly high quality updates and content.  I really appreciate the effort that both of them go through to produce such high quality games like HHG (Komisari) and Superhuman (WeirdWorld).

So, Komisari. I say take your time and relax a little because this shit is amazing. I don't really care if it takes a while for the next major update because I know it will be worth the wait.