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(1 edit)

Thank you,
What we mean for next time is the new game we will make as the first half is done for now.
The second half developed in the same engine as the first half for this year,  so we will use MV or Unity help in the early of the next year.
We have tried to use the best we think we can before but it dampens our spirit and left with two people and less,
So we try to finish a lesser game as a push to create at least one finished game to start off and rethink how can we do better and finish a game.
Rather than doing an unfinished game for how long god knows.
don't worry to play as the bought one also not much different as they just giving player access to the H-Scene earlier and with a cheat sheet.

Thank you for your inputs and we always open to discussion in our discord if you have time :D

Best Regards