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ty, I will check it out! 


I found out that if you change the attacking style more than twice at once, if you go out and come back again, it resets to second last one that you changed to no matter what attacking style that you changed to after(for example, if wildstrike and challenge and snipe were to be feed at once and feed it wildstrike again, if you go out and come back again, it will be challenge.)

thanks thats very helpful info, seems there is a mismatch somewhere with the ordering in saving & loading .  Quick question did the monster have any abilities that changed their attack too like Krog's Slam or Scutters Twin Claw?


no, I don't think so


also, there is  a bug where you can sell locked things on forge

it always happens


I don't know if this is a bug or intended purpose, but some times when object(box, jar, money jar) is with enemies that can make shields, it sometimes shields object which makes it impossible to break.

(1 edit)

that is not intentional, it has happened before, sounds like a i missed an instance. You can sell locked items by dragging (like at the forge), its current main function is to not be sold when you do the Sell All option at shops.  In the future, forges will get the extra selling options that shops got, but maybe i should also prevent drag-selling of locked items too hmm

I think you should block the item "repulser" on enemy side from effecting object(jar, aura bag, treasure chest) because it literally makes it impossible to break