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(2 edits) (+3)

I really enjoyed this but the game has some issues I ran into.  The infinite potion in the woods was already mentioned but also, after I spoke to John Doe the first time, I was suddenly able to walk through walls and across maps without an issue.  I decided to use the stopwatch on Chris after the demo said it was done and ran into an infinite jack off sound error (couldn't load or some such).  (Btw, the infinite potion was a boon as it was the only way I could get past the giant plant.  I had 30 potions on me and used more than half of them... evil damned plant.)  I'm looking forward to see where this goes.  (Oh, also, the download doesn't work in the desktop app.)


hey thanks a lot for checking , that is really weird cause I didn’t encounter it during my play test, but I’ll have a look what’s up. 


It could be just one of those bizarre random anomalies that can appear in games from time to time.  I wouldn't worry too much about it.  I was tempted to shut down the game and reload it to see if that would fix it but then the demo ended so I didn't bother.